About Us
Our Company
In the team, there are Chen Mai, who constantly polishes the dreams of the creators, and Jerry, who wants to establish and improve the business system and environment for the creators. The current CAMPOBAG integrates the world’s high-quality markets, expands the stage of hand creators and develops the ecosystem professionally, making the creative market a good business.
CAMPO的字義來自於義大利,CAMPO代表了Cinema、Art、Music、People、Original五個元素。近幾年延伸出「BAG」(Bring Art Go),完整的名字有著三種企圖:「創作」、「和世界展開對話」、「用行動產生改變」。從早些年的擺攤人生,到了中期帶著手創者巡迴亞洲,並不斷透過工作坊啟發藝術潛力者,透過講座課程加強手創者的專業。最基本的信念是提供手創者不同的舞台,引領他們開啟創業夢想,而,十多年來與手創者,秉持著「共生」、「共有」、「共榮」的互助信念與夥伴關係,一步一步完成了許多國內、海外有趣的活動和展演。
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We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Market participation
And Entrepreneurial Services.
The meaning of CAMPO comes from Italy, and CAMPO represents the five elements of Cinema, Art, Music, People, and Original. In recent years, “BAG” (Bring Art Go) has been extended. The full name has three intentions: “creation”, “dialogue with the world”, and “change through action”. From the early years of his life as a stall holder, to the mid-term tour of Asia with handcrafters, he continued to inspire artistic potentials through workshops and strengthen the professionalism of handcrafters through lecture courses. The most basic belief is to provide the creators with different stages and lead them to start their entrepreneurial dreams. For more than ten years, we have been adhering to the mutual aid belief and partnership of “symbiosis”, “shared” and “co-prosperity” with the creators. , and completed many interesting domestic and overseas activities and performances step by step.