20120402|擺攤人生 我們擺的不是攤 是人生

What’s Campo?
Campo was first Taiwan urban creative market and over 100,000 youngsters and artists have joined it since 2005. The word CAMPO is an acronym for Cinema, Art, Music, People, and Original. It aroused the enthusiasms of Taiwan’s young artists to express themselves. After this, CAMPOBAG was established in 2008, providing an unofficial platform for young artists to develop their creative brands and help them to manage their creations. To date, CAMPOBAG has assisted more than 500 individual artists to sell their products and Brand them. CAMPOBAG’s mission is making good ideas turn into good business in a creative way.

CAMPO生活狂歡藝術節作為臺灣第一個原創市集,從2005年開始吸引了超過十萬名年輕人與藝術家投入其中。CAMPO截取了五個英文字的字首所組成的 複合字,分別代表五種構成元素Cinema (電影) Art(藝術), Music(音樂), People(個性人),還有Original(原創),希望能藉此喚醒臺灣年青一代自我表現的熱情。



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