20140917|台灣原創倫敦發聲 創藝病毒修理世界Taiwanese Innovation Hits London Using the


台灣原創倫敦發聲 創藝病毒修理世界

來自台灣的希嘉創作團隊,今年以「創藝秀─用創作修理世界的共好實驗」做為共同創作主題,邀請了來自澳門、新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、英國、阿根廷等地九十位創作者,橫跨插畫、手作、金工、銀飾與表演藝術等不同領域,共同探索創作影響世界的可能性。創藝秀海外徵件的最後一站選定在2014倫敦設計節的「Tent London」展,要讓來自世界各地更多不同的創作者,加入修理世界對話




















合作單位:肯夢學院、Nonzero 非零、FlyingV、Accupass活動通、URS、Solda 手打自販、Shopping Design、閱讀、交點、甘樂文創、明道工作室Akibo Works、以立國際、柯智豪音樂工作室、賽先生科學玩具、248農學市集、薰衣草森林。





CAMPOBAG希嘉文化有限公司成立於2008年,其原始概念起源自2005年起,台灣的第一個原創市集「CAMPO生活藝術狂歡節」,當時吸引了超過 十萬名年輕人與藝術家投入其中。CAMPO為擷取五個英文字首所組合而成的複合字,分別代表生活藝術狂歡節的五種構成元素:Cinema(電影)、 Art(藝術)、Music(音樂)、People(個性人)以及Original(原創),期許每個人的獨特價值透過不同形式的表現而被看見。 CAMPOBAG延伸這樣的概念,希望能夠透過 Bring Art Go to Market成為加值企業與個人的重要元素,讓更多創新改變的可能性發生。



CAMPOBAG:陳靜亭,mmting@campobag.com /0952-885-457





Tent London 設計展 http://www.tentlondon.co.uk

展出時間地點 9/18-9/21/ Tent London Hall T3-C Booth N18



Taiwanese Innovation Hits London

Using the "creativity virus" to heal the world

CAMPOBAG, the Taiwanese creative team at C+ Culture Co., has built an experiment in collective art, entitled "Bring Art Go: How would you fix the world?" Bringing together 90 creators from Macau, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the UK, Argentina, and Taiwan, and incorporating diverse artistic fields such as illustration, handicrafts, metalworking, jewelry, and performance art, the project is aimed at exploring the impact of art on the world at large. The next stop on this creative journey will take place at the 2014 Tent London design expo at London Design Festival, drawing artists from around the globe into a dialogue on how artists can contribute to fixing the world.


In addition to these activities, CAMPOBAG will present three creations, entitled "C-Virus," "Memory Drug," and "Happiness Vending Machine." "C-Virus," a collection of wool felt lanterns, was created to encourage visitors to look at the world from another perspective, turning the virus concept into a force for positive change. The second work, "Memory Drug," serves as an antidote to lost memories, stirring one's deep thirst for beauty through sterling silver and mixed media in the form of rings. Finally, "Happiness Vending Machine" incorporates both moving art and product design to allow the audience to understand that the creation of art is in fact not only a performance, but also a conversation with the world.


Those with an interest in art and creativity are welcome to explore the exhibition and activities through CAMPOBAG's official project website, as well as access artist works through the Solda app, and through this interaction and collective art creation, together, we can make the world even better. The journey will continue October 3 to 12 at Taipei Designers' Week, allowing the team to continue this dialogue and bring art to even more visitors.

Hosted by: CAMPOBAG

Supported by: Taiwan's Ministry of Culture

Partners: Canmeng Institute, Nonzero, FlyingV, Accupass, URS, Solda, Shopping Design, Crosspoint,  Read-Life, CAN (Culture, Art, & Nature) Magazine, Akibo Works, ELIV, Blaire Ko Studio, Mr. Sci Science Toy Factor, 248 Farmers' Market, Lavender Cottage




CAMPOBAG, a part of the C+ Culture Co., was officially formed in 2008, although its origins stretch back to 2005, when the team created Taiwan's first creative market series called CAMPO. CAMPO attracted more than 100,000 visitors and artists, and encompassed the diverse themes represented in its name: (C)inema, (A)rt, (M)usic, (P)eople, and (O)riginality. CAMPOBAG is an extension of this original concept, combining the most important elements of both business and art in the form of "Bring Art Go to Market," with the hopes of expanding creative possibilities through sustainable commercial endeavors.


|Media Contact|

CAMPOBAG:Ting Chen, mmting@campobag.com /+886-952-885-457


|Links & Details|

Activity page: http://www.bringartgo.com

Crowdfunding campaign: http://www.flyingv.cc/project/4005

Tent London design expo:  http://www.tentlondon.co.uk/

 * 9/18-9/21 at Tent London Hall T3-C Booth N18






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