20130709|Bring Art Go X不拘形式的英倫擺攤人生

Bring Art Go X 不拘形式的英倫擺攤人生

繼去年2012倫敦奧運文化日誌創作計劃之後,今年2013 CAMPOBAG「Bring Art Go擺攤人生巡迴創作活動」與位於格林威治鄰近水閘的泰晤士河畔的「二樓藝術工作室」(Second Floor Studios and Arts)合作,讓臺灣設計師與創作者們和來自英國、西班牙、義大利、香港的創作者分別以「分享最愛」為主題進行交流,並會在倫敦No Format galley 進行為期一週的共同創作與展出 (7/15-21)




隨行創作品牌包括去年贏得文創圓夢大賞以百摺裙做為設計理念的Vingt six雪紡包設計師張佩,策劃「地球保護者」裝置藝術的香港藝術家楊修麟以及使用金屬鈕釦做為創作靈感的工藝品牌EACH ONE 設計師陳釗平,除了和英國當地的藝術家一同進行創作工作坊,團員們還將在7/14(日)前往東倫敦的創意市集聖地Brick lane,和倫敦的朋友介紹他們的創作和分享亞洲的文創經驗。


開幕活動將會在英國當地時間7/18  下午五點在No Format 藝廊舉辦,英國當地藝術家Irma Pellegrini 、Vanesa Longchamp 、Shannon Idzzkowska、Sisetta Zappone 和Amparo Climent 也將參與展出分享彼此的最愛,對於這樣的創作有興趣的朋友也歡迎前往會場感受Bring  Art  Go創作魅力



Following its successful London Pop-Up Exhibition in 2012, this year CAMPOBAG's "Bring Art Go" has teamed up with Second Floor Studios & Arts, located near the Thames Barrier in Greenwich for its 2013 world tour. The collaboration brings Taiwanese designers together with artists from England, Spain, Italy, and Hong Kong to explore the topic of "Sharing the Love," accomplishing this by a joint exhibition at London's No Format Gallery from July 15 to 21.


This project will also feature designers Ying-zi Lin and Ling-zhen Li's work, "Interactive Love," which will allow artists and the public to come together to create a new work using each individual's favorite colors. At the completion of the exhibit, this new work will be upcycled into environmentally friendly bags, allowing it to continue spread a message of love. Furthermore, CAMPOBAG will exchange gifts with Londoners and share Taipei's recent history with the purpose of demonstrating how Taiwan's capital is using the arts to fuel urban regeneration. Through this interaction, CAMPOBAG hopes to encourage London's artists and the general public to visit Taiwan to promote cultural exchange and to learn about and even engage in Taipei's urban regeneration.


Additionally, the exhibition includes award-winning brand Vingt-six, for which designer Zhang Pei employs the use of pleated skirts in her work to create a line of chiffon bags, Hong Kong designer Yeung Sau Lun's installation entitled "Earth Protector," and metalworking artist D. Fish of the brand EACH ONE, whose work builds on the everyday concept of metal buttons. Besides collaborating with local artists to create new works, the team from Taiwan has already visited London's creative mecca, Brick Lane, to introduce their works and share their experiences with the arts in Asia.


There will be an opening reception at the No Format Gallery on Thursday, July 18 at 6pm as well as a closing party on July 21 at 5pm. The CAMPOBAG team will be joined by local artists Irma Pellegrini, Vanesa Longchamp, Shannon Idzikowska, Sisetta Zappone, and Amparo Climent, who will also share their works of love. All are welcome to come and experience Bring Art Go's unique forms of expression.




CAMPOBAG 新聞聯絡人 陳靜亭

CAMPOBAG Taipei Media Contact: Ting Chen

Mobile: 0953885457

Email: mmting@campobag.com


CAMPOBAG 海外新聞聯絡人 顏瑋志

CAMPOBAG Overseas Media Contact: Jerry Yen

Email: jerry@campobag.com

Mobile: 447438916655


——————————- 相  關  網  址 ——————————-




2. 擺攤人生源起



3. 2012 CAMPOBAG Bring Art Go擺攤人生巡迴創作活動花絮



4. Second Floor Studios and Arts 新聞報導



5 . Vingt six設計師張佩介紹



6. Eachone 設計師陳釗平介紹



7. 香港藝術家楊修麟介紹



8. No Format Gallery 介紹





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