20130430|【當期展覽】2013/5/03-5/12 Sucks in the box 用一個故事來尋找自己

“Sucks in the box” 是一支遵循上述記憶法則的舞蹈短片。當一系列的相片以連續動作來呈現時,它帶給我們的是一個以一連串相片所串連起來的故事,並創造出有如動態般的幻覺。 這種技巧被稱為“停格動畫”,我們決定利用這個技巧,來呈現一種由幻想與現實所結合的幻像。 
這是 BC Colectivo 自2007年成立以來的第一支影片。
BC Colectivo之創立者,藝術家Bara和攝影師Chinitas Yon,共同合作,創作結合幻覺和攝影的藝術。這個展覽展示的是一個關於自由的故事; 一種遠離社會及社會系統的自由、一種遠離我們所謂的文明社會的規則與限制的自由。


"Sucks in the box", a stop motion video that explores our society, our rules, our ways of living and how each one of us goes
through a lot of roads before finding ourselves.  This is the first video produced by BC Colectivo since its founding in 2007.  
Its founders, artist  Bara and photographer   Chinitas Yon, have been collaborating together doing art and installations that combine illustrations and photography. 



This exhibition shows a story of freedom; freedom from society and it’s system, freedom from the rules and the restrictions of our so called civilized world. This story shows us how it’s ok to step out of our own box and be ourselves, it’s ok to stop following and make our own road, open our own doors and dance our own dance.

展覽地點: URS155│Cooking Together 創作分享圈 (台北市大同區迪化街一段155號1F)


展覽日期: 2013/5/03~12

開放時間: 11:00AM ~ 7:00PM (週一休)

聯絡電話: (02)2552-0349
開幕茶會: 5/03(五) 19:00

FB粉絲頁: BC Colectivo

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