
CAMPOBAG在CAMPO的延續之下在2008年成立,延續的是小麥我自己對於CAMPO的堅持還有感受到的存在感,雖然許多創作者不知道CAMPO 是什麼?或是覺得CAMPO已經消失了,但是我一直感受到CAMPO開始的那一天,我和欣儀,還有朋友一起去搬桌椅的下午。

謝謝CAMPO讓我感受到追求自己的美好,謝謝欣儀那時候一直堅持著,從2005年開始一直到現在。CAMPOBAG過去幾年來,我們一直在延續市集的美 好,同時也發現真正讓我們持續願意面對那些仍然要面對的現實,是因為我們用創作生活著,用自己以為的角度看這世界,那樣的開心而純粹,縱使那些時光在面對 現實之後只剩餘一些些,這讓我想到,既然都已經把身家''瞭溝去'',並且看見身邊的朋友那樣的為追求自我而全力以赴(米奇鰻、小肆),我們應該更努力把 追求的事情表現出來,不要害怕沒有人追隨。

今年的CAMPOBAG要作一些改變也會作一些嘗試,我們要【創作你自己】,創作才是這一切最根本的源頭,沒有創作,這一切都不會發生,我們會努力讓「創 作」發生,當然,接下來「創作」也會是所有事情的關連性,我們希望CAMPOBAG的slogan「Bring Art Go」,能讓一切自然發生。

CAMPOBAG established under the continue of CAMPO in 2008. What to continue is my persistence of CAMPO and the existence of the feelings. Although many creators don’t know that what CAMPO is or feel that CAMPO has been already disappeared, I have been feeling the beginning day of CAMPO. In the afternoon, 欣儀 and I with friends moved tables chairs together.

Thanks CAMPO for making me feel pursuing my own fine and thanks欣儀 for keeping insisting since 2005 till now. For the past several years, CAMPOBAG has kept continuing the good parts of markets, also finding that because we live with creating and use our viewpoints to look the world, we are truly willing to face the facts and realities.

Even if those times of pure happiness have left little after facing the realities, what makes me think of is that we should put our efforts to present the things we pursue and we shouldn’t be afraid that nobody will follow. Since we have already put our money into it, seeing that friends beside us doing at all costs to pursue themselves, we should keep working hard!

This year, CAMPOBAG wants to make some changes and give some tries. We want you guys create your own selves. Creating is the basis of everything. Without creation, everything won’t happen. We will make great efforts to let the "creations" take place. Certainly, the following "creations" will be related with everything. We hope that the slogan "Bring Art Go" of CAMPOBAG can let everything happen naturally.

  • 完成自我創作Bring Your Attitude
  • Complete the self creations-Bring Your Attitude 
  • 不限形式的創作Art Yourself
  • The unlimited form of creations-Art Yourself of
  • 和更多人分享你自己Go Action
  • Share your self with more people-Go Action



我們的10年後,擁有一間幫助創作者經營品牌的學校,然後有一間創作者的私房廚房和大家一起分享CAMPOBAG Bring Art Go 的理念,會有更多的想要從創作認識自己的朋友們一起加入,我們成為創作自己的夥伴,也成為大家的夥伴。By Jerry&Ting


Creating You Own Self

Step 1. One Portrait (anything you want to present)

Step 2.One letter to yourself (10-year-later)

Mail to campobag@gmail.com

Show yourself to the world


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